W E A R E O P E N !

Sunday church services 10:00 am at ICA Kyiv (Vasylkivska st. 30)

Who We Are

We are a community of internationals in Kyiv, Ukraine who join together to grow in our faith, support each other in our walk with God and celebrate all that God is doing in and through us. We welcome you!

Since 1994, ICA Kyiv has been meeting in Kyiv, Ukraine. Through many changes in the country and people, ICA remains a church dedicated to loving and serving God, each other, and the world. We embrace the international community and love to support the influencers in this city. 

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God."

The Bible, 1 John 4:7

We are ICA 

  • At ICA we love Jesus.

We believe that Jesus is the son of God, and is the only one who can reconcile us to God. /We gather because we want people to get to know Jesus.

  • At ICA we seek to be led by the Spirit of God.

It’s easy to make decisions in our own understanding, however, God has given His Holy Spirit to lead us in our daily lives.

  • At ICA we’re Worshippers.

Our God is amazing and deserves all the glory. He created everything, seen and unseen, and His love for us is incredible, powerful and completely unconditional.

  • At ICA we love the Word of God.

We spend time looking into His Word, the Bible, where we receive practical teaching to guide us through our everyday lives. 

  • At ICA we’re Missional.

The church was created to reproduce itself. So, we believe in creating disciples and sending out followers of Jesus to all the corners of the world proclaiming his love. 

  • At ICA we’re Generous.

We seek to be recklessly obedient in meeting the needs of those around us. We recognize that all we have comes from God, so we want to be generous in our giving. 

  • At ICA we’re Diverse.

We celebrate each person’s ethnic, cultural, and linguistic background, recognizing that all God’s children are uniquely beautiful. 

  • At ICA we’re Gracious.

We all walk a journey that can be messy at times so we choose to love everybody right where they’re at - because that’s what Jesus did for us.

  • At ICA we are Family.

Life is full of challenges and we are far from perfect, but we believe that’s one of the reasons God brought us together. Because really, nobody should walk alone.